Camping in the garden – a micro-adventure

Six Moon Designs Lunar Solo in the garden

Camping in the garden, right behind the house. Sounds good and easy. It’s the perfect mini-adventure when you’re short on time. And ideal for trying something new – be it camping itself or new equipment.

Do you enjoy fresh air, being outside, and love hearing the sounds of the night or the early morning? Then you don’t necessarily have to go far away and for long periods of time. To newcomers and old hands alike I can only recommend: try camping in the garden. It may sound a bit strange, but it brings a relaxing change to everyday life.

Camping in the garden – why?

For me personally, I can say: I love sleeping outside. Be it on the campsite in a large or small tent, somewhere else during travels or on the road, or – ta-da – in the garden. And especially for the latter: I don’t even need vacation days for this! I can sleep outside on the weekend or even during the week. Just like that. Easy.

There are a few other reasons why camping in the garden is a pretty good idea. The most important ones, at least from my point of view:

Try out whether camping is actually fun

Are you a camping beginner and want to test whether camping is for you? Perfect! Borrow a tent from friends (or a camping equipment supplier) and head out into your own garden!

Not only will you find out whether sleeping in the great outdoors is for you. If you need anything at night (earplugs, for example), the simple rule is: fix the problem (get earplugs, if you manage to find them in the house), get back into the tent, and go back to sleep. An ideal learning effect for later camping at a campsite.

Vaude Arco 2P in the garden
Vaude Arco 2P in the garden

Test out new equipment

No matter what you want to try out, the garden offers the perfect opportunity to do this. If something doesn’t work out, help isn’t far away (e.g. in the form of tools).

New tent, sleeping bag, mat? Or camping in winter? Your chance to try it out in the garden.

Sleeping in a tent – with bedding

You don’t like sleeping in a sleeping bag? If you’re camping in the garden, you have the option of using your ‘normal’ bedding in the tent and ignoring the sleeping bag. Bedding and tent supposedly does not go well together? Who cares, it’s still fun!

Incentivize the kids

If you have not managed yet to convince your children to go camping so far – maybe it will work (initially) in the garden? It’s a familiar environment, in an emergency the children can go in at night, and the test can be for one night only to start with. And for that one night, friends could even come along.

Or you tell them that you’ll sleep outside – and maybe they’ll follow suit voluntarily. Mom/Dad sleeping in the garden? Cool, we want that as well! (I know that doesn’t always work, it can also end with them shaking their heads in disbelief…).

Are you ready for lots of fresh air?

These were just a few reasons why camping in the garden is a good idea. Ideal for a mini adventure in between. No travels needed, just be outside and enjoy nature.

So, what do you think? Will you also camp in the garden one day, alone or with your family? Let me know, either in the comments or by email, I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Have fun camping and “enjoy the outside”!

Vaude Arco 2P next to house
Vaude Arco 2P next to house

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